300 Blankets – Pre Launch Meeting

The 300 Blankets management team sat down for the final meeting before our official launch today.  Sitting in the back of the library as we approached the 4th hour mark of the meeting, we thought to ourselves that we truly have the best, most dedicated management team.  It was a Saturday, the weather was a perfect sunny 26 degrees, but regardless, the team – Stephen (marketing manager), Julian (PR and Sponsorship manager), Amanda (Event 1 manager), Connie (Event 2 manager, via a phone conference), Geoff (senior adviser, via skype) and Annie (finance manager), gave up their weekend and worked their asses off knowing how important the launch will be on the 15th of April.  It is their dedication to 300 Blankets that I know will make 300 Blankets a success.  We have done a lot of the planning and a lot of work but we all know there is still so much to be done.  Despite the beautiful weather we are experiencing in Melbourne this weekend – winter is coming.  We must continue to push ourselves to the limit, so we can produce the best events to our ability and raise the funds needed to keep our community warm.  Go team!

- Warren


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